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Star Wallz

Star Wallz is my new project as of today, May the 4th (Star Wars day) 2021. I've created my first of what I hope to be many Star Wars inspired helmet designs that use the iconic aesthetic of Star Wars battle gear and mash it up with graffiti and street art. This hybrid form of the original, layered with the new, is intended to showcase designs that invoke a desire to know who created them, wore them and why? This saga starts with Renegade Trooper 327 a disillusioned soldier that deserted the Empire to join the Love Squad, a breakaway unit of ex Storm Troopers that sit in the grey zone between the Rebellion and the Dark Side of the force that drives the Empire. With a mantra to Love not kill they embrace the idea that all beings are connected and use a hallucinogenic berry compound called Tripondeen that temporarily mimics and enhances the users Midi-chlorian count, and binds to the serotonin receptor resulting in a  a mind bending enhancement in the ability to use the force.

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